Coming up: Online workshop “Together towards equality in youth camp activities!”

“Do you lead camp activities for young people or work otherwise among youth groups? Would you like to gain new ideas on discussing about inequality, discrimination and racism with young people – especially in face to face group activities but also online? Would you like to share experiences on advancing equality?”

Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland, together with its co-operation organisations Allianssi Youth Exchanges and the Finnish Branch of Service Civil International, organizes on the 19th of May at 4 – 7 p.m. an online workshop “Together towards equality in youth camp activities!” to introduce the handbooks published in the STAR E project. The workshop will concentrate on the handbook “Standing Together Against Racism: A Training Handbook!”.

The event will take place in Discord (, an online platform for communities with voice and video chat features. The exercises of the workshop offer ways to explore prejudices and the development of human rights together with young people. The exercises have been further developed to fit into online use from the exercises of the training handbook.

The workshop was originally designed as a face to face meeting to be held on the Day Against Racism in March, but it has been transferred into an online workshop due to the coronavirus situation. The workshop meant for those you who work among young people or study youth field. It is free of charge and it will be held in English. In the event the principles for a safer space of Maailmanvaihto will be followed: (in Finnish).

Currently the organizers are finalizing the plans and looking forward to meeting all the enrolled participants and learning together in the workshop. The organizers co-operate in Finland as Kansainvälisen Vapaaehtoistyön Verkosto (network of international volunteering), which aims at advancing quality and responsible international volunteering. Get to know the organizations:

Allianssi Youth Exchanges:
The Finnish Branch of Service Civil International:

ICJA’s second workshop day held in Berlin on 12.03.2020

On 12.03.2020 we organized the second STAR E multiplier event with workshop character and presented the publication “Managing Organisational Change – Tools and methods to become a diversity-sensitive NGO” to an interested expert audience. The expert audience consisted of different representatives* of NGOS, who are active in the area of youth, voluntary work, political education and organisational development. The event started with a lunch reception where the participants had the opportunity to get to know and talk to each other.

After a short introduction to the guests and team, Andreas Schwab, the international coordinator of the STAR E project introduced the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Partnership project, its results and the experiences made since ugust 2017 as well as plans for the coming months. We then continued with a panel discussion. It was  moderated by Martha Bienert and  included professionals that have to do with diversity in different fields of work: Maria Gehre (Diversity Expert at VereinT Zukunft bilden e.V.), Stephan Langenberg (Managing Director ICJA volunteer exchange worldwide), Christian Baier (Managing Director of SOCIUS Organisationsentwicklung gmbH). The discussion focused on diversity and the use of the handbook from the perspective and practice of these organisations. Many participants stated that they were enthusiastic about developing their organisation into a more diversity sensitive organisation. They agreed with the experts and organizers that some of the methods of the handbook can be very helpful to stimulate the necessary reflection on the internal structures and management practices of organisations. They particularly liked the way the methods and tools are presented in the 2 handbooks and found it easy and convenient to work with them

After a short coffee break, which was also used to continue the dialogue on a personal level, Christian Baier presented the handbook “Managing Organisational Change Tools and methods to become a diversity-sensitive NGO” and went into more detail about the development, the structure of the publication and the different methods. This was followed by the practical application of the “Guerrilla Gardening” method, in which the participants first gathered ideas for a diversity-rich change for their own organisation in individual work. This was followed by an exchange of ideas in partner work. Finally, the participants had the opportunity to present their results voluntarily to the plenum.

There was a very positive feedback on the method “Guerilla gardening”. It helped participants to immediately feel part of the solution in making their organisations culture more diversity-oriented and -sensitive. Interesting ideas for change processes were generated and three participants even were encouraged to present their ideas in the final plenary session. Last but not least the organizers  received positive feedback from the attendees: The event and workshop had enriched the participants as  it contained theoretical input, a practical exercise and enough space for discussions and questions.

We would like to thank all participants for their active participation and express special thanks to Maria Gehre, Martha Bienert, Christian Baier and Stephan Langenberg for their interesting input and great moderation.

ICJA’s workshop day held in Berlin on 20.02.2020

On 20 February 2020 we held the first STAR E workshop day with representatives of 22 NGOs working in the field of youth, volunteering and political education in the Global Village in Berlin Neukölln. The conference started with a culinary reception, which gave possibilities to meet and talk to other participants. After a short introduction to the project STAR E and the experience made since August 2017, we had two lectures by guest speakers. They reported on their experience in working with groups with a high level of diversity and sensitizing participants about racism in a white dominated environment. This triggered many questions and an intense discussion.

After a coffee break which was also used to continue the dialogue at personal level, two experts presented the first handbook “Standing Together Against Racism – A Training Handbook-” by actively involving the attendees in doing the method “Don’t act like me” which encourages participants to do a self- and then group reflection about racist incidents they have experienced or witnessed in their life. After this reflection experience and good discussions in the groups we went into the final round of exchange with the speakers in the plenary. A very positive feedback was given regarding the methodology of this workshop as it contained both a theoretical input, a practice exercise and enough room for discussions and questions. As one participant put it in the final evaluation round: I felt warmly invited to participate and taken along the programme!

The positive experience will be continued – the second workshop day will take place tomorrow on March 12!  We will have a panel discussion and  present the second publication “Managing Organisational Change – Tools and methods to become a diversity-sensitive NGO”.  Around 25 representatives of around 20 organisations (mainly from Berlin) have registered to this event. We look forward to an interesting exchange and dicussion!

Planning your multiplier events and other dissemination activities

Four things to think about when planning your multiplier events and other activities to help disseminate the STAR E project.

Now that the STAR E project has two excellent publications to share – both in print and here, online – it should be even more straightforward to let people know about our work.

Here’s four things to think about when planning your events and other activities to help disseminate the results of the project.

1. Match the message to the audience

The two STAR publications offer engagement tools for two very different types of group.

The training methods for working with young people are aimed at people who work with young people directly. While the organisational change methods are more suited to people responsible for the leadership or governance of an organisation: board members, directors etc.

Therefore if you are holding a multiplier event, it might be better to have one that focuses on ONE of the publications, rather than both. That way you can invite people that will find it most useful and plan the agenda around their needs and interests.

2. Showcase the methods you like best

People respond better to authenticity than a faked emotion. So when you’re disseminating the STAR E methods and tools, use the ones that you think are most effective or interesting. That way when you share them you will be authentic in your enthusiasm.

For your multiplier meetings, it’s a good idea to have participants take part in one of the methods, so they can experience it for themselves. Therefore choose one that you have done before and which you enjoyed taking part in.

Similarly on social media or in emails, where you’re telling other organisations you work with about STAR E, include examples that you are positive about, as that positivity will be apparent to the people reading.

3. Separate out the methods from the handbooks

There are sixteen training methods for working with young people and twenty-one organisational change methods. That’s thirty seven in total and a lot for anyone to read in one go!

So why not make it easier for people to engage with the STAR E project by sharing individual methods? This works particularly well on social media, especially since you can link directly to each method here on the STAR E website.

There is also the option to add your comments to the methods: your suggestions and observations, and those of people you invite to use them as well.

4. Have fun with it

Many of the methods involve interaction or creative outputs, which can be fun in person and look fun in pictures. Try out a few with your team and take photos to use online and emails. Or get the permission from people at your first multiplier event, and then use these to encourage more people to come to the next one!

Upcoming events: Conferences for Multipliers by ICJA in Berlin

Einladung zu den Fachtagen für Multiplikator*innen des ICJA Berlin

see English version below

Unsere Publikationen sind fertig!

Daher möchten wir Sie gerne auf eine spannende Tagungsreihe im Berlin Global Village hinweisen und sind dankbar für die Weiterleitung der Informationen an Interessent*innen.  

Fachtag 1 „Standing Together Against Racism – Methoden für die Antirassismus-Arbeit und Empowermenttraining in der politischen Bildungsarbeit“ in der Braustube des Berlin Global Village am 20.02.2020 (13:00-17:00 Uhr) (derzeit ausgebucht)

Fachtag 2 „Tools for Change – diversitätsorientierte Veränderungsprozesse in NROs“ in der Braustube des Berlin Global Village am 12.03.2020 (13:00-17:00 Uhr)

Es werden Ergebnisse des mehrjährigen europäischen Kooperationsprojekts „Standing Together Against Racism in Europe” in Form von zwei Publikationen präsentiert. Des Weiteren werden Fachimpulse zum jeweiligen Themenfeld gegeben, Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten für Akteur*innen der schulischen und außerschulischen Bildungsarbeit angeboten sowie Methoden und Tools von Expert*innen vorgestellt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Interesse und Ihre Teilnahme! Bei weiteren Fragen melden Sie sich gerne bei Andreas Schwab ( oder bei Nina Stephainsky (

zur Anmeldung / Please register here!

Our publications are ready!

Therefore, we would like to draw your attention to an exciting series of conferences in the Berlin Global Village and would be grateful if you could forward the information to interested parties.

Conference 1 “Standing Together Against Racism – Methods for Anti-Racism Work and Empowerment Training in Political Education Work” in the “Braustube” of the Berlin Global Village on 20.02.2020 (13:00-17:00)

Conference 2 “Tools for Change – Diversity-oriented Change Processes in NGOs” in the “Braustube” of the Berlin Global Village on 12.03.2020 (13:00-17:00)

We look forward to your interest and participation! If you have any further questions, please contact Andreas Schwab ( or Nina Stephainsky (

Transnational Meeting Čadca October 2019

Mid-October 2019 the STAR E participants were invited to Čadca, Slovakia. Three days full of new experiences, intensive work and exchange of ideas and good practice were waiting for us.

Starting with a talk by Jana R. about racism and xenophobia in Slovakia, we learned a lot about minorities in Slovakia, the political situation and the challenges facing segregation and racism in the country. Afterwards each organization presented their current state in the project, what they’ve done so far, what they’ve planned to do in the next months. During a traditional Slovakian dinner in the evening we met the current volunteers from our host organization Keric.

The next day was fully concentrated on the training activities introduced in the handbook. We tested two more methods to get to know them better and become more self-confident as future instructors. Furthermore, testing helped us to improve our written instructions in the handbook. In the following editorial meeting, the editorial team members agreed on the last open questions and discussed about how the handbook needs to be adapted for the online version on the website. Meanwhile the other participants thought about a method to be used at their multiplier meetings. This method should be easy to follow, function as an appetizer for the handbook and not too long as time is limited. Afterwards each partner organization had time to brainstorm about their own multiplier meeting. Who will be interested in the handbook? Why? How to contact them? How to get them interested in the handbook? What is needed to hold the meeting? When? Who is going to do the work? What is going to happen?

Before we already had to say good-bye to each other the next day, we had a presentation about dissemination by ICYE UK member Hannah K. in preparation for disseminating the handbooks. Furthermore we discussed about our final meeting in Denmark.

Thank you to Keric for hosting us in Čadca. Thank you to everybody contributing to this transnational meeting. We achieved a lot and had a wonderful time together.